On Wed, 22 Aug 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ ... ]
> Anyway, the original problem I ran into is a simpler one: that hsfs will
> detect a filesystem as hsfs without then also wanting to mount it.
> That, of course, won't do.
> Casper

Thanks for bringing it back to the topic :)

Can anyone actually come up with reasons why HAL should not simply mount 
all filesystem types found on such a medium, onto different mountpoints 
(/media/hsfsmnt, /media/udfsmnt, ... ?) ?

One could argue that on a writeable medium, double detection should lead 
to a refusal to mount. On a readonly medium, though, there can be no harm 
in allowing all ways in.
Now how to find out whether a medium doesn't allow writes ... another 
problem, but again, workaround would be to simply mount all multiple 
detections - but all readonly.

What do people think on that ?


Note: There's no proper solution to 'hybrids' but to access them via all. 
As Vista generates ISO9660/UDF hybrids where the ISO9660 side only says 
'this needs UDF', someone else can easily create an iso9660/udf hybrid 
where the other is true, and the udf side says 'look at this via iso9660 
and you see' - just showing one-of-a-hybrid always puts the problem up 
that you might show the one that doesn't contain what you want to see. For 
the user, it counts that all is there. If it's in the expected/hoped-for 
place, for the better, but to start with, better have it than not.
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