On 23/08/07, Alan Burlison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kaiwai Gardiner wrote:
> > *shrugs* As much as I would love to see Adobe listen, they don't listen.
> > A company run by, quite frankly, arrogant pricks, are not going to
> > listen to the lone voice in the woods - the best one can expect is for
> > companies like Sun, Red Hat and Novell to donate money, setup a working
> > group and develop complete replacements in an opensource manner.
> http://blogs.adobe.com/acroread/2007/08/launching_the_adobe_reader_on.html
> "It's time to get the ball rolling for the much awaited blog for Adobe
> Reader on Unix platforms. The purpose of this blog is to provide a
> platform for developers and the users of the product to share ideas,
> experiences and feedback about the product for the benefit of everyone."
> Posted by Gaurav Jain on August 23, 2007 02:30 PM


Need I say that I found this rich: "from the developers of Adobe
Reader on Unix" could have bloody fooled me! what have they been doing
for the past several years, sitting around smoking some Mary Jane?
doing some alcohol related experiments?

Setting up blogs mean jack if they don't actually produce some damn
results - damn I hate it when companies think that with a blog and a
few hollow words that they can create a so-called 'community'. Less
blathering more programming and compiling.

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