I'm currently using Ubuntu Linux as a server to host a [b]Seaside/Squeak[/b] 
web application. This application makes heavy use of streaming video. I'm using 
[b]Darwin Streaming Server[/b]. Of course, I'm also using [b]Apache2[/b].

My Seaside/Squeak application uses [b]PostgreSQL[/b], too.

A friend of mine (a Solaris professional) has strongly recommended using 
Solaris instead of Linux. I must confess, I'm a bit trepidatious. I don't 
really have too much time to mount yet another learning curve. So I have some 
basic questions whose answers will hopefully help me to decide whether I should 
make the leap from Ubuntu...

1) Does Solaris have a software repository and package management system 
comparable to Ubuntu's apt-get in terms of ease-of-use, up-to-date packages, 
and extensiveness of repository (excellent selection of packages)?

2) How do I go about scaling my Seaside app through [b]load-balancing[/b] 
(multiple instances of Squeak on the same server machine)? Is there 
documentation that can help me?

3) Can Darwin Streaming Server run on Solaris?

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