On 01/11/2007, Brandorr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11/1/07, Shawn Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 01/11/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >Sorry, but that would not be true. Indiana is the result of work from
> > > >more than just Sun folks. It includes ksh93 for example, and it
> > > >includes efforts by other non-Sun affiliated folks as well. Calling it
> > > >Sun OpenSolaris would be inaccurate.
> > >
> > >
> > > What bits does Indiana include which are not Sun originated which are
> > > not also found in say, SXCE?  (I.e., ksh93 and caiman do not count)
> >
> > That seems like arbitrary criteria. It seems will have to agree to disagree.
> How about this one. Sun Solaris contains bash, gtar, gzip, etc. Does
> that make it not Sun Solaris? RedHat Enterprise Linux, contains bash,
> gtar, gzip, etc. Does that not make it *RedHat* Enterprise Linux?

Actually, if you ask the FSF. It makes it RedHat *GNU*/Linux <g>

But I digress ;)

> I don't see what there is to disagree about. Making these kinds of
> analogies only hurts your credibility. It seems you are making up

I don't care a whit about credibility. I care about three things:

1) code

2) community

3) progress

Project Indiana has all three as far as I'm concerned. Although I
would have appreciated a vote on the name for #2.

> arguments to justify your position that OpenSolaris=Indiana, and that
> it is not Sun/Ian Murdock/Sun Marketing execs unilaterally making this
> decision.

Because I simply don't believe that. That's what it comes down to.
Your belief and mine just don't coincide. I'm sorry you can't believe
that no one could possibly come to a different conclusion; but I have.

> Fact is going into the Summit, I was for it also, but the heavy
> handedness of how Sun's OpenSolaris marketing team is handling the
> Indiana naming process, has turned me off on the whole idea of
> OpenSolaris = Indiana.

I don't think OpenSolaris == Indiana. I think Indiana is merely a
consoliation of what was already OpenSolaris wrapped up in a pretty

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

"We don't have enough parallel universes to allow all uses of all
junction types--in the absence of quantum computing the combinatorics
are not in our favor..." --Larry Wall
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