>On 01/11/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >Sorry, but that would not be true. Indiana is the result of work from
>> >more than just Sun folks. It includes ksh93 for example, and it
>> >includes efforts by other non-Sun affiliated folks as well. Calling it
>> >Sun OpenSolaris would be inaccurate.
>> What bits does Indiana include which are not Sun originated which are
>> not also found in say, SXCE?  (I.e., ksh93 and caiman do not count)
>That seems like arbitrary criteria. It seems will have to agree to disagree.

Really?  You've called "Solaris/OpenSolaris" stagnant' you have praised
"Indiana community contributions" and when called on this you say
"we'll have to agree to disagree".

Please name two Indiana contributions by community members who are
not part of Sun's project Indiana staff.  I do appreciate that Sun folks
are part of the OpenSolaris community but I also feel that any claims
of "community effort" when it's all a Sun staffed project are dishonest
at best.

Ksh93 is clearly a community effort, but your claim that excluding it from
Indiana is "arbitrary" is misinformed; ksh93 was started long before
Indiana, had nothing to do with Indiana.  It is part of OpenSolaris
just as Indiana is; but it is NOT part of Indiana just as OpenSolaris is
not part of Indiana or OS/Net is not part of Indiana.

Indiana is a distro; as such it contains bits of many other projects;
to claim ownership for Indiana of any of those bits is clearly wrong;
at least in my view of the world.  I think that that is not an arbitrary
distinction; what is contributed by Indiana is not necessarily what is
unique to Indiana but what originates from it.

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