On 05/11/2007, John Sonnenschein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Shawn.
> You seem to be of the opinion that a strong leader is necessary to the
> success of a project.
> Might I point out that the governance structure of FreeBSD (the most
> successful of the BSD's, and arguably the second most successful open-
> source operating system project in the world ) is governed by
> committers (analogous to our "core contributors" ) electing a 9-member
> core leadership team every 2 years who are responsible for overall
> project direction and granting of CVS commit access to new members.

Which only supports my proposal; in my view.

The groups you mention have more power than our OGB does, and because
of their limited size, they are able to reach consensus far easier
than our much larger group of core contributors.

In addition; they provide the strong, clear, inspired leadership of
those communities.

My proposal is not solely about electing a single leader; it is also
about empowering the OGB.

Your particular point is certainly worth considering; and provoking
productive discussion is one of the central purposes of this proposal.

Thanks for your feedback,
Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

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