That's actually a really good idea, I didn't know Xen worked on itanium2

On 12-Nov-07, at 2:33 PM, Nils Nieuwejaar wrote:

> I think this is a bit nuts, but if you really want to go down that  
> path...
> You might want to look at Xen.  The hypervisor has been ported to  
> IA64 and
> Solaris has been ported to the hypervisor.  There would still be a  
> huge
> amount of work to do, but running Xen instead of bare metal might  
> make the
> task a bit more manageable.
> In addition to giving you a simpler model to port to, using Xen lets  
> you
> begin by doing a domU port instead of a dom0 port.  This would let  
> you make
> a huge amount of progress even before tackling the painful early- 
> stage boot
> problems on bare metal.
> Nils
> On Sat 11/10/07 at 18:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Is anyone other than myself interested in seeing an IA64/Itanium port
>> of OpenSolaris?
>> My reasoning is that Solaris already runs on two of the 4 major
>> enterprise architectures (SPARC & x86/amd64) and a port to a third is
>> making strides recently ( I'm referring to the ppc32 port ).
>> Since Sun already had an IA64 port underway half a decade ago, they
>> may be able to look in to the legalities of opening it back up. I'm
>> sure there's some sort of legal wrangling between them and Intel that
>> can go on, since Intel would undoubtedly love to see more ia64
>> customers, and Sun already sells Solaris to HP's x86 customers.
>> Failing that, of course, if anyone's interested in doing a straight- 
>> up
>> re-port based on the current onnv-gate ( or ppc-dev gate, if that
>> proves to be more portable ) that's an option as well.
>> This port may actually prove easier logistically than the PPC port,  
>> as
>> there's already an accurate ia64 simulator ( it's called ski ) out
>> there, though it only runs on HPUX, Linux ( I haven't tried it with
>> brandZ ) & FreeBSD.
>> So, that in mind, any comments?
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