> James, you make good points. Certainly nobody can search every nook  
> and cranny or know what is in someone's head. However, this  
> particular scenario is specific because a conflict was brought to  
> attention.
> The crucial question is this: is the PSARC / ARC / whatever you  
> want to call it -- let's call it "the process" so *rigid* and so  
> *inflexible* that, even when someone external reports a conflict,  
> nothing can be done about it?
> I mean, does the process need to looked at and revised, or are we  
> dealing with an emotional factor here as well?

The ARC looked at the information given to it and decided that  
retaining compatibility around the ImageMagick command names (that  
had been shipped before in SFW, and exist as such on many other  
platforms on which the ImageMagick tools are available) was more  
important than reserving a piece of the namespace for a command that  
was (and is) not even on track to being integrated.

I see no rigidity nor lack of flexibility here.

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