
I have two queries for solaris.
 1.  I am installing my aplication  binaries at /opt/../bin. I want to copy
these application binary files from /opt/../bin to  /usr/bin and /sbin. How
I can achieve this using script?
 2. To start my application during boot what I need to do? Is any file to be
written in init.d/rc2.d/rc3.d ?

 I would appreciate if any one who have a demo package example for solaris
send me for reference.



On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 1:51 PM, UNIX admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Hi,
> >
> > Thanks for suggestion!!
> > But that didn't work here.
> What exactly didn't work?
> > Here files are installed at local folder.
> > I want to copy the files from my local folder to
> > /usr/bin.
> No, you do not!!!
> Under no circumstances are you to install any kind of 3rd party files (the
> ones which do not come with the OS) under /usr/bin/.
> Doing so will break when attempting to use your software/package in a
> sparse zone, and /usr is OFF LIMITS for 3rd party applications anyway.
> Your software must be delivered in /opt, in order to comply with System V
> standards:
> The main payload should go into /opt/aksh/{bin, sbin, lib, share/man,
> share/info share/doc}
> the configuration files, if any, into /etc/opt/aksh/
> and the data files into /var/opt/aksh/.
> You must compile your software to use the above three directory
> hierarchies. No ifs, buts, or maybes, especially not if you're not yet
> experienced with packaging.
> > I do not want it that in request script asking user
> > for base directory.
> Using request scripts is highly frowned upon, and discouraged.
> > How I can achieve that with any script or additional
> > statements in
> > present scripts?
> Your question is unclear.
> > I want to run my application when system gets restart
> > everytimes.
> Then you'll need to write an SMF manifest for your service, and have it
> automatically imported with `svccfg import` in the "postinstall phase of
> your package". After that you may run `svcadm enable
> ${AKSH_FMRI}:${AKSH_SMF_INSTANCE}`, which you will have defined in your
> "pkginfo" file.
> Look for SMF manifest examples in the /var/svc/manifest/ directory.
> > I think I need to implement a script in /etc/init.d/
> > as well as in
> > /etc/rc2.d/ , /etc/rc3.d/, etc/rcS.d/.
> > But I do not exactly how that will work.
> No, you need to write an SMF manifest, then import it, as described above.
> You might need to write start and stop SMF methods, which are very similar
> to init.d scripts, however will either go into /opt/aksh/lib/svc/method/,
> or /lib/svc/method/.
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