aakash berde writes:
> I have two queries for solaris.
>  1.  I am installing my aplication  binaries at /opt/../bin. I want to copy
> these application binary files from /opt/../bin to  /usr/bin and /sbin. How
> I can achieve this using script?

Why would you do that?

The copy command is 'cp', but I don't think that's really what you
should be doing because /usr/bin and /sbin belong to the *system*, not
to add-on software.

Instead, the user should be setting his $PATH to include your
/opt/.../bin directory.

>  2. To start my application during boot what I need to do? Is any file to be
> written in init.d/rc2.d/rc3.d ?

For Solaris 9 and older, yes.  For newer, you should be delivering an
SMF manifest instead.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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