Hi Natalie,

This is a new install of B85. Thanks for responding

modinfo | grep smbsrv show the module is not loaded. However I receive a 
already installed message if I
# add_drv -m '* 0640 root sys' smbsrv 
Driver (smbsrv) is already installed

After modload 
#modload /kernel/drv/smbsrv
163 fa0f5000 417b0 210 1 smbsrv (CIFS Server Protocol 1.3)

I still get
smbd: Netbios services started
smbd: kernel bind error: No such file or directory

truss shows
xstat(2, "/usr/lib/smbsrv/libsmb_passwd.so", 0x08047448) Err#2 ENOENT
open("/devices/pseudo/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:smbsrv", O_RDONLY) Err#2 ENOENT

The problem seems to be that [ open("/devices/pseudo/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:smbsrv", 
O_RDONLY) Err#2 ENOENT]  does not exist.
I could create this char device manually but don't want to because it would be 
one more thing to maintain. Also everything else in the  name_to_major file was 
created properly (including 256, 0 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:nsmb) . Do you know why 
this device was not created?

I re-did the install and the same thing happened.
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