I don't know if this is relevant to the problem you are having, but I noticed 
some differences between b82 and b85 (clean install) regarding CIFS shares -- 
here's some notes I made earlier and will probably copy to 'storage discuss':


Existing CIFS shares didn't work after moving from b82 to b85.

Looked up CIFS guide here: 

where it says:

"The Samba and CIFS services cannot be used simultaneously on a single Solaris 
system. The Samba service must be disabled in order to run the Solaris CIFS 
service. For more information, see How to Disable the Samba Service."

So, disable samba:

# svcs | grep samba
maintenance     20:35:42 svc:/network/samba:default
# svcadm disable svc:/network/samba
# svcadm disable svc:/network/wins   (this is probably not needed, and may have 
side effects)
# svcs | grep samba

When I try to access the share from the mac using autofs, I see the following 
message in /var/adm/messages:

Mar 27 20:38:48 solarisbox smbd[667]: [ID 653746 daemon.notice] 

So, something changed?

See here: 

# smbadm join -w WORKGROUP     
Successfully joined workgroup 'WORKGROUP'

Edit the /etc/pam.conf file to support creation of an encrypted version of the 
user's password for CIFS.
Add the following line to the end of the file:

# vi /etc/pam.conf

other   password required       pam_smb_passwd.so.1     nowarn

Specify the password for existing local users.

The Solaris CIFS service cannot use the Solaris encrypted version of the local 
user's password for authentication. Therefore, you must generate an encrypted 
version of the local user's password for the Solaris CIFS service to use. When 
the SMB PAM module is installed, the passwd command generates such an encrypted 
version of the password.

# passwd simon

Now it works again, after reinitialising the client's autofs.

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