Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> Kyle McDonald wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> If my counting is right, b87 should be out any time now.
>> What are the changes I can expect to see in it? or where can I read 
>> about them myself?
> As always, you can see the ON & X consolidation changes on our
> community pages:
> ON Flag days (high level details of big projects/etc.):
> Complete ON changelog:
> Complete X changelog:
> You can also usually find the JDS & SFW change logs by finding their
> "new build available" e-mails in the desktop-discuss & sfwnv-discuss
> archives.
Thanks everyone. I didn't know it would be announced today or I wouldn't 
have posted. I knew this info comes out when the build is posted, but I 
wasn't sure what info was available *before* the build is  posted. I'll 
check the links first nexttime.


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