Michael B Allen wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a product that currently only runs on Linux and FreeBSD but I'd like 
> to port it to Solaris.
> My question is - if I compiled the code on OpenSolaris, would the resulting 
> binaries be portable across other Solaris systems?
No.  It might, but the chances of using something that's new to
OpenSolaris are non-zero.  The rule on (Open)Solaris is stick with the
public APIs and build and test on the oldest version you wish to
support.  Note most of the Blastwave packages are built on Solaris 8 and
they work on 8,9,10 and OpenSolaris.

> Ideally, I would like to use VMWare Server if possible as opposed to buying 
> some old hardware on Ebay.
Nothing wrong with that, or you could use Virtual Box on OpenSolaris.
> Also, is there an architecture that is clearly dominating among Sparc, x86_64 
> and i386 or must I do all three?
If you want to sell to the (Open)Solaris market, pick a base OS release
(probably Solaris 8 or 10, depending on whether you want 64 bit support
on x86) and build Sparc and x86 versions.

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