On Mon, 28 Apr 2008 10:13:55 -0700
Alan Coopersmith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Michael B Allen wrote:
> > But is there any way for a "civillian" to download Solaris 8 and Sun
> > Studio for free?
> Solaris 10 is the oldest version available for free download and use.
> > I assume Solaris 8 runs on both x86_64 and i386? Or do I have to use 10
> > to get x86_64 (for example)?
> Solaris 8 is circa-2000, long long before x86_64 - it may run on such a
> machine in 32-bit mode, but Solaris 10 (early 2005) was the first release
> to have 64-bit support on amd64/em64t.

Hi Alan,

So realistically / ultimately it sounds like I want the Solaris 10 5/08
free download?

I am very much a shell + vi type of person so I assume I should be able
to install the OS and Sun Studio without X? Or is one expected to have
one of those fan-dangled desktops?


PS: Sorry for recent posting faux pas, my email address changed since
last registering on os.org and mailman doesn't seem to know about it.
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