Does this technique of using the Neogrub bootloader and EasyBCD from Vista work 
with OpenSolaris May release (Indiana)? I've been having a really difficult 
time trying to set up triple booting between Indiana, Vista, and XP. I have the 
entry in Solaris GRUB properly loading the Vista bootloader, but I launching XP 
doesn't work (only Vista). When booting directly to the Windows bootloader 
(bypassing Solaris GRUB), I can launch either  XP or Vista. So, I'm looking for 
some way to chainload the solaris grub from the vista bootload in order to keep 
XP compatibility.

I briefly tried using EasyBCD, but selecting the add "Linux" option and 
pointing it to my Solaris partition didn't do the trick. I'm thinking it may 
have to do with whatever was done involving ZFS boot on Indiana, maybe the 
different location of the menu.lst file? I think, somehow, Neogrub is trying to 
load GRUB from the wrong place. Either that, or it just plain doesn't 
understand ZFS and won't work period.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated! I've been messing around with 
partitions and reinstalling various operating systems for a few days now, so 
finally getting this resolved would be great! My configuration is as follows:

0,0: OpenSolaris
0,1: Ubuntu linux
1,0: Win XP
1,1: Win Vista

> To answer the original question, the post provided
> kindly above documents the fact that Windows Vista
> needs to be the active partition to be able to
> hibernate correctly.
> With Vista as the active partition, the Vista
> bootloader is then needed to be able to boot the
> Solaris image. Thankfully, EasyBCD is available that
> does just this:
> However there is something which tripped me up for
> quite a while which I didn't readily find information
> for. After installing EasyBCD, I was always getting
> corrupted BCD errors, cannot open BCD configuration
> file etc. I was convinced my Vista installation was
> toast and it would need a fresh install.
> I even followed several guides that allow the BCD to
> be created manually from scratch without success
> using bcdedit and bootrec /rebuildbcd.
> In the end the simple solution was to make the Vista
> partition the active partition and everything came
> together. Until then I using GRUB to boot between
> Vista and Solaris with Solaris being the active
> partition.
> In the end with EasyBCD I didn't even need the GRUB
> menu.lst file. There is a NeoSmart Linux boot loader
> which recgonised the Solaris partition and boots GRUB
> without a hitch.
> So in summary:
> a) I had a Vista installed first that was working ok
> b) Installed OpenSolaris on another partition which
> becomes the active partition. This also installs GRUB
> and you can boot between Vista and Solaris (minus
> hibernation for Vista)
> c) Install EasyBCD and make Vista the active
> partition again.
> d) Configure the NeoSmart Linux bootloader to be able
> to boot Solaris while keeping Vista as the active
> partition. 
> Sweet!
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