> Does this technique of using the Neogrub bootloader
> and EasyBCD from Vista work with OpenSolaris May
> release (Indiana)? 

It's not something I've tried. I really would of liked to have both Indiana and 
Nevada installed and multi-booting with Vista but both the respective Solaris 
installers only allowed the 1 Solaris partition as a target on a single hard 
drive. For moment Nevada is installed natively and Indiana is in VBox under 

All the installing between Nevada and Indiana broke Vista on 2 occasions where 
I needed to recover using the Vista DVD - I ended up choosing just one to get 
to a stable platform. 

> When booting directly to the Windows bootloader (bypassing
> Solaris GRUB), I can launch either  XP or Vista. So,
> I'm looking for some way to chainload the solaris
> grub from the vista bootload in order to keep XP
> compatibility.

I would of thought EasyBCD would work because the chainloader simply passed the 
boot process across to the Solaris partition which invokes GRUB...

> I briefly tried using EasyBCD, but selecting the add
> "Linux" option and pointing it to my Solaris
> partition didn't do the trick. I'm thinking it may
> have to do with whatever was done involving ZFS boot
> on Indiana, maybe the different location of the
> menu.lst file? I think, somehow, Neogrub is trying to
> load GRUB from the wrong place. Either that, or it
> just plain doesn't understand ZFS and won't work
> period.

With the EasyBCD NeoSmart Linux loader, I select Solaris from the Vista boot 
menu. This immediately then boots up the Solaris GRUB bootloader which at this 
point behaves exactly if Solaris/GRUB were the active partition. From this I 
can boot B88, xVM, Failsafe or even back to Vista (just for fun, I can keep 
swapping between both boot menus!)

Re ZFS, I haven't tried it so can't comment.

Thing is I briefly tried the NeoGRUB using the Solaris menu.lst and it didn't 
work. T
he NeoSmart Linux loader worked first time so I stuck with that.

> Any insight would be greatly appreciated! I've been
> messing around with partitions and reinstalling
> various operating systems for a few days now, so
> finally getting this resolved would be great! My
> configuration is as follows:
> 0,0: OpenSolaris
> 0,1: Ubuntu linux
> 1,0: Win XP
> 1,1: Win Vista

How did you go?

Cheers, JP
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