Did you say FreeBSD 7.x versus OpenSolaris 2008.05 ???

Here is what I'm going to say about the subject:
1. FreeBSD 7.x has ZFS support {somewhat}.
2. Apples-versus-Oranges comparison
3. Install and scale FreeBSD 7.x/OpenSolaris 2008.05
on 8-16 CPU server Java-related solutions.
4. Conduct your testing analysis on the Sun Fire X4440
Servers or a similar third-party configuration. Tell
anyone writing an article on OpenSolaris 2008.05 or
any other OpenSolaris-based distro versus FreeBSD 7.x
to do the same. Get real results on REAL mid-level
enterprise-grade hardware.
5. I use and develop OpenSolaris-based solutions in
production environments and love it! ;o)

This will hopefully answer questions about the new
OpenSolaris support contract and FreeBSD 7.x
comparisons. Maybe not.
~ Ken Mays

--- Alex Leverington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> FreeBSD vs OpenSolaris, I can tell you though, is
> going to be a  
> *tough* fight. As far as Java performance is
> concerned, I haven't seen  
> any benchmarks (I would be interested) but I would
> hazard a guess that  
> OpenSolaris maybe a tiny bit quicker as it's
> compiled using Sun's  
> compiler. However, if you're using ZFS, you'll peak
> the box quicker  
> than on FreeBSD because ZFS is simply more resource
> intensive but  
> let's not forget ZFS has some capabilities (as does
> Solaris) that  
> simply don't exist on FreeBSD at all.
> So even if Java is slower, there's a bigger picture
> (and hardware is  
> cheap, for now).
> I don't have an answer to your question but I'm just
> as interested in  
> the answer (java benchmarks).
> Alex L
> On May 22, 2008, at 2:24 PM, Mike Hawkins wrote:
> > I just wanted to query the OpenSolaris community
> and see who, if  
> > anyone, out there is using the latest version of
> this OS in  
> > production as web or application server.
> >
> > I have been using FreeBSD, but because OpenSolaris
> is available and  
> > starting to mature a little, I was thinking about
> making the switch  
> > because of the native Java support on OpenSolaris.
>  I write a ton of  
> > Java applications and am hoping that Java
> performance on OpenSolaris  
> > would outperform that of *BSD in enterprise
> situations...
> >
> > What are your opinions of it and what is everyone
> using it for?

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