I do understand that the OpenSolaris Discussions and the Sun Develorper Network 
(SDN) Sun forums are software development lists and that I am at a real 
disadvantage because I'm a system admin - not a software developer. 
I did ask a question some time back about Blastwave but it was about using 
Blastwave with Solaris 9.  The first reply that I received said that these 
discussions were not for Solaris.  I did receive other replies and some help, 
but that was some time ago.  

>>> James Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 8/6/2008 12:04 PM >>>
Glen Gunselman writes:
> I can't offer any help with reporting Solaris bugs but I will sympathize with 
> you.  I have only been working/supporting Solaris for about 3 1/2 years.  I 
> have not personally experienced the "golden age of Solaris support" but from 
> searching the forms (over the last 3 years) it appears (to me) that there was 
> a time when one could expect a question to be expertly answered, but no more. 
>  Many, if not most, of the questions that I posted to the forums go no where. 
>  Sometimes I get a response but only after a few weeks - not very helpful.  
> (Sometimes I do get/find useful information, but it's not a resource that I 
> can count on.)

That's something to discuss with the owner of the forum, I'd expect.

> There was a time when it seemed opensolaris was interested in Solaris but 
> after reading  this thread, I would say that's no longer true.

I'm not sure what that comment was intended to mean.  I think folks
working on OpenSolaris are indeed very interested in Solaris
... otherwise, we wouldn't be here.

At a guess, I suspect you mean that Solaris questions aren't "welcome"
here.  I don't think that's entirely true -- they're just potentially
misplaced and confusing.

If you're running a commercial release of Solaris, then you should be
pursuing support through the vendor.  That's what commercial releases
are all about: paid support.  If you come here, the support you'll get
may end up being hit-or-miss, because we don't have access to Sun's
customer records, don't know what other issues might be relevant to
you, and few have an obligation to reply (i.e., it's a volunteer
effort).  The folks in support *do* know those things and aren't just

I think it would be bad for Sun and for customers if those customers
came to the opensolaris.org mailing lists expecting the same level of
contracted support for which they're paying, end up not getting that
support (or worse, a wrong answer from someone with an @sun.com
address), and then blame "Sun" for the disconnect.

In addition to that, you need to know that S10 and older releases are
not the same as the current OpenSolaris code.  It's been 3+ years
since S10 released, and things have changed.  Sure, _some_ things are
the same, but talking about problems in an old release can sometimes
get confusing, particularly where the bits being discussed have long
since been redesigned or outright removed.

If you do fully understand that these are software development lists,
and that even the @sun.com people here are *NOT* necessarily the
support folks paid to do that job (and thus pretty much like all those
with [EMAIL PROTECTED] addresses), and the answers might not apply to the
release you happen to be running, then go ahead and ask here.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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MS UBUR02-212 / Burlington MA 01803-2757   42.496N   Fax +1 781 442 1677
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