* andrew ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I read on a previous post somewhere that the menu-driven version of
> Live Update - i.e. the "lu" command - doesn't wokr with ZFS due to a
> particular bug, but I can't locate the original post. Doesanyone have
> a link to the bug in bugs.opensolaris.org . Also, is this one that is
> going to be fixed? Will Live Upgrade even be present in Solaris Next
> (11)?

I don't know about not working with ZFS but that interface lu(1M) is
deprecated.  As the description in the man page says:

Sun no longer recommends use of the lu command. The lu  com-
     mand  displays a character user interface (CUI).  The under-
     lying command  sequence  for  the  CUI--typically  lucreate,
     luupgrade,  and  luactivate--is  straightforward to use. The
     SEE ALSO section below  highlights  the  full  Solaris  Live
     Upgrade command set.

I can't imagine anyone doing the work (whatever that work might be) to
get lu to support ZFS.

Live Upgrade as it exists today is going to be replaced with Snap
Upgrade (http://opensolaris.org/os/project/caiman/Snap_Upgrade/).

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