> * andrew ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I read on a previous post somewhere that the
> menu-driven version of
> > Live Update - i.e. the "lu" command - doesn't wokr
> with ZFS due to a
> > particular bug, but I can't locate the original
> post. Doesanyone have
> > a link to the bug in bugs.opensolaris.org . Also,
> is this one that is
> > going to be fixed? Will Live Upgrade even be
> present in Solaris Next
> > (11)?
> I don't know about not working with ZFS but that
> interface lu(1M) is
> deprecated.  As the description in the man page says:
> Sun no longer recommends use of the lu command. The
> lu  com-
> mand  displays a character user interface (CUI).
>   The under-
> lying command  sequence  for  the  CUI--typically
>   lucreate,
> luupgrade,  and  luactivate--is  straightforward
>  to use. The
> SEE ALSO section below  highlights  the  full
>   Solaris  Live
>    Upgrade command set.
> can't imagine anyone doing the work (whatever that
> work might be) to
> get lu to support ZFS.

 Rather strange.  When I do a man on lu the SEE ALSO section doesn't seem to be 
high lighted. 
A bug in man perhaps?

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