Miguel Da Silva - URI escribió:
> Dear users, I found this USB controller available - 
> http://www.via.com.tw/en/products/peripherals/usb/vt6212/ - and it's 
> really cheap (less than US$ 10,00), so I'm planning buy this one and 
> test OpenSolaris with it.
> The "problem" is that I have an old Pentium II and its motherboard do 
> not have any USB port. OpenSolaris boots up, but when I have to choose 
> the language, the keyboard is not available.
> And here goes the question, does anyone know if this controller (with 
> the Via chipset) works fine with OpenSolaris?
> Thank you all!!!

Here goes some "feedback" just to keep registry of what I could achieve.

1) Finally I could boot the system with no problem related to the 
keyboard. The 4-port USB controller by VIA (using VT6212L chipset) was 
detected corretly and right after the GRUB screen the USB keyboard was 
already available. Just a note: it did work too when I booted the 
machine up with Solaris 10 Express Edition.

2) If you have less than 512MB RAM do not try to run OpenSolaris. :) 
First I tried it with just 256MB available and it was really slow. 
Upgrading it to 512MB made things easier and the system is "usable" now. 
Another note: my plan is learn, study the system, come close to the 
"Solaris world". I could already install a real Solaris 10 system at the 
job, but there I can not experiment too much.

3) Things are almost like I want it to be to me start studying it. I'm 
doing some tunning and the most complicated was set the network up. 
Indeed, the problem was related with name resolution. I mean, I could 
set the network up right; disabling nwam and enabling static 
configuration. But, every command that need DNS (ping, for instance) was 
not working. Just an example:

ping is alive

ping merlin.cmat.edu.yu
ping: unknown host merlin.cmat.edu.uy

To make this work properlly I had to add the following line to /etc/system:

set xnf:xnf_cksum_offload = 0

Wel,, I think that's all (by now, :) ).

Miguel Da Silva
Unidad de Recursos Informáticos
Facultad de Ingeniería - http://www.fing.edu.uy
Universidad de la República - http://www.rau.edu.uy

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