> > If the Solaris commands become a superset of the Gnu ones, then that
> > position becomes a fait accompli.
> Thus avoiding the entire question of whether or not that's the best -
> or even a desirable - goal.

Not quite -- there are conflicts between the commands themselves.  For
example, GNU and Solaris ls(1) have one option conflict: -v.

So a /usr/gnu/bin will be needed, even if the number of such conflicts
is very low.

Which means the need to select between Solaris and GNU environments will
not go away.

The Indiana team has made a decent choice of default environment, IMO.
Adding a knob would help but is not essential.  And the bare minimum
changes to either GNU or Solaris utilities so far discovered needed to
make this livable seem to be small.

Let's end the thread as Bart basically said.  Eventually someone will
get to making that bare minimum of changes.

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