Octave Orgeron wrote:
> As things stand, continuing to go after the Linux user base is like trying to 
> convert the religion of people.. pointless and a waste of effort. Apple 
> understands that the real attraction for everyday users is differentiation 
> and quality. OpenSolaris has come a long way and it's good that we are trying 
> to accomodate user expectations. However, to fall into the trap of "we have 
> to be like Linux to survive" is a dangerous and almost "end game" way of 
> looking at the future. Where is the leadership? I think we all want the best 
> platform to be OpenSolaris. 
We should not forget that Apple welcomes users with a BSD userland. Many 
developers also use Mac OS X as their preferred platform. And almost 
everybody seems quite happy with it...

Instead of offering switchers by default a GNU userland, we should point 
them immediately to a "Rosetta Stone" -like page where we explain _why_ 
and _how_ things are different on (Open)Solaris.

If people are getting used to GNU tools and rely on them, it is much 
harder to teach them the (Open)Solaris way later. Not to forget, porting 
apps/scripts to Solaris from a GNU based OpenSolaris will be much more 
difficult for us administrators. Solaris 10 with many non-GNU 
installations, will still be around for a long time.

I always try to teach people why they should e.g. use prstat instead of 
top. Most of them have switched to prstat after explaining the 
advantages of native Solaris commands.

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