* Sebastien Roy (sebastien....@sun.com) wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-01-16 at 10:28 -0800, Glenn Lagasse wrote:
> > * Brian Utterback (brian.utterb...@sun.com) wrote:
> > > It is simple. Do we want the default environment to be a Solaris one or a 
> > > GNU one?  If you want both, you have to provide a knob to switch them 
> > > back 
> > > and forth.
> > 
> > And at some point, we may have just that (perhaps even in the
> > Installer).  I'm not saying there isn't room for some improvement on
> > this issue.  What I am saying is that we need to take in to account new
> > adopters and make it as simple as possible for them to 'get their legs
> > under them'.  In some cases, that means catering to a less
> > experienced/technically savvy user which has traditionally not been a
> > significant part of the Solaris userbase.
> And in the interest of not turning the current installer into a
> design-by-committee twelve-headed hairy monster like the old one, please
> stick the knob somewhere out of the way where we're not forced to have
> to toggle it one way or the other. :-)
> I would not want to be forced to serially go through a gauntlet of
> mostly unnecessary questions like the old installer used to do regarding
> naming, IPv6, and kerberos (for example).

Fear not, not gonna happen.  The installer is going to be as simple as
it can be to get the bits on the disk.  Configuration after the fact is
another story.


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