you're not supposed to roll back like that, when you upgrade from one
build to the next, the process creates a new boot environment (BE) and
updates that instead, if you need to go back to how the things were
before updating just reboot into the old BE.
You can create BEs outside the update process with beadm(1M)

On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 7:54 PM, Stephan Ferraro <> wrote:
> I just needed to rollback my "/" partition on my running OpenSolaris system 
> snv108.
> I was not sure if it would work because my "/" partition was mounted in 
> read-write.
> When I executed "zfs rollback -r mysnapshot", the system loaded a while and 
> then hanged. I just saw with the virtual console switching an I/O error 
> message.
> I pressed the RESET button on my PC and then I was able to start my old 
> snapshot without any kind of problem!
> I found only a core file of the zfs command in "/". There was written "Bus 
> error".
> I can try to reproduce this if somebody is interessted what is written in the 
> core.
> OpenSolaris is a very powerful operating system. I did not know that it was 
> so simple to rollback a running root-filesystem without any kind of dataloss!
> --
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