* Stephan Ferraro (cont...@ferraro.net) wrote:
> Am 10.03.2009 um 23:02 schrieb Ignacio Marambio Catán:
>> you're not supposed to roll back like that, when you upgrade from one
>> build to the next, the process creates a new boot environment (BE) and
>> updates that instead, if you need to go back to how the things were
>> before updating just reboot into the old BE.
>> You can create BEs outside the update process with beadm(1M)
> I did not an official update. I damaged my root filesystem with a  
> special script.
> However with beadm I can't add a snapshot, because its read-only. I  
> suppose in this case I would need to clone the snapshot into a read- 
> write filesystem and then add it with beadm?

No, you either create a new BE directly via beadm based on your current
BE like so:

beadm create <name of the new BE you want to create>

This creates a new BE which is identical to what you're currently

Or, you create a new BE based off of an existing BE snapshot thusly:

beadm create ben...@snapshot <name of the new BE you want to create>

That's all there is to it.

man beadm is your friend :-)


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