Setup: Osol.11 build 109
amd Athlon64 +3400 architecture

I'm attempting to replace 2 200gb sata drives with 2 750 gb drives.

All drives concerned are WD.

And the 2 200gb are attached to a:
Adeptec 1205sa PCI sata card (non-raid)

The two existing drives are in a mirror configuration so I figured to
just pull out one, insert a 750 and let it resilver.  Understanding it
would end up a 200gb mirror.

Then pull the other 200gb and insert the new 750.  Again resilvering
and guessing it will still be a 200 gb mirror, but also guessing that
on a third reboot the new 750gb size will be recognized and I'll end
up with a 750 gb mirror.

Ok, I'm asking here if that should work.

But also and more importantly, I hit a snag on the first swap.  Pulled
out the 200gb and inserted a 750 but it turns out that the new drive,
unlike my older 200gb drive does not have the old 4pin power connector
that I expected.  

I see some other connectors in the wiring harness that look like they
go to the larger (non-data) fitting on these sata drives.  Its about
twice as wide as the data plug but has the same little 90 degree hook
on one end.

The matching plugs on the wire harness appear to be made for this so I
go ahead and plug it in, and fire up the machine.

As boot up proceeds it gets by the brief memory check that a screen

  Press F3 to enter configuration utility
  Primary channel: WDC WD750-blah-bah   <= my new 750gb drive

So I guess this is coming from the Adeptec 1205sa card and press
F3... but nothing happens, and no further progress appears possible.

Rebooting and ignoring the `Press F3' screen doesn't allow boot to
proceed either.

So I appear to be stuck and unable to boot up.

Anyone see anthing similar or have a suggestion.

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