
>>As boot up proceeds it gets by the brief memory check that a screen
>>  Press F3 to enter configuration utility
>>  Primary channel: WDC WD750-blah-bah   <= my new 750gb drive
> Ah, I can't help you there; I don't have a configuration utility for the
> disks.  Did you remove the boot drive?

No I didn't remove boot drive but maybe I should explain a bit
further. The boot drive originally was an IDE 60gb drive I.  I
installed an IDE 500gb and you walked me through
attach/resilver/detach/reboot.  Reboot again and I have 500gb boot
drive (single now).

OK, so now I have pulled out the detached 60gb IDE drive, and am
adding a second IDE 500gb to mirror rpool.  

But at the same time decided to upgrade another zpool on a pair of
sata 200gb in mirror config.

So at the same time as adding the 500gb IDE drive I also pulled one of
the 200gb satas from the 2nd zpool and replaced it with a 750gb sata
and rebooted.

At that point I hit the snag this thread is about.

So I think I'll disconnnect the sata drives entirely.  Boot up and see
if the there is any problem booting and resilvering the new 500gb IDE.

Then go back and try replacing one of the satas at a time.

I'm going to do that now... and report back after.

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