>The two existing drives are in a mirror configuration so I figured to
>just pull out one, insert a 750 and let it resilver.  Understanding it
>would end up a 200gb mirror.

You could do that; make sure you scrub before starting on this
exercise.  (You have only one copy, of course)

>Then pull the other 200gb and insert the new 750.  Again resilvering
>and guessing it will still be a 200 gb mirror, but also guessing that
>on a third reboot the new 750gb size will be recognized and I'll end
>up with a 750 gb mirror.
>Ok, I'm asking here if that should work.

Yep, I don't that and it worked.

>But also and more importantly, I hit a snag on the first swap.  Pulled
>out the 200gb and inserted a 750 but it turns out that the new drive,
>unlike my older 200gb drive does not have the old 4pin power connector
>that I expected.  

Yeah, the 4 pin connector is gone.  You can get adapters but they
only connect the 5V and the 12V  (SATA also has 3.3V but 3.5" disks
don't use that)

>I see some other connectors in the wiring harness that look like they
>go to the larger (non-data) fitting on these sata drives.  Its about
>twice as wide as the data plug but has the same little 90 degree hook
>on one end.
>The matching plugs on the wire harness appear to be made for this so I
>go ahead and plug it in, and fire up the machine.
>As boot up proceeds it gets by the brief memory check that a screen
>  Press F3 to enter configuration utility
>  Primary channel: WDC WD750-blah-bah   <= my new 750gb drive

Ah, I can't help you there; I don't have a configuration utility for the
disks.  Did you remove the boot drive?


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