On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 7:17 AM, Shawn Walker <swal...@opensolaris.org> wrote:
> Moinak Ghosh wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 2:55 AM, Lurie <y...@gmx.co.uk> wrote:
> ...
>>   The user side experience of IPS is no doubt very good but is no
>> different
>>   from a good Linux package manager like Smart/Yum (with the exception
>>   of ZFS features). From a developer point of view these qualities could
>> have
>>   been got by far less effort and far less code/complexity.
> Actually, it is very different (especially as of build 110) with respect to
> search capabilities.  None of the other, existing packaging systems feature
> the rich interface that pkg(5) now has for search.  In addition, none of the
> systems feature remote search capability.

It is obvious, that you never tried conary's cli (the full one, not
simply what you see if you call it without arguments).
It is highly unlikely, that IPS can ever have more capabilities,
except maybe more ideas are taken from conary.

> There are differences in other areas as well, but those won't be as apparent
> until later functionality is implemented.

"Later functionality" was readily available, tested and mature for
production-use in 2007's conary, after 3 years of heavy development
through rPath. Some of the authors of conary are the ones who had
designed RPM in the first place. And they never neglected security,
not even when they started the conary project from scratch in 2004.
conary is secure by design, through and through.

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