> The user side experience of IPS is no doubt very  good but is no different
> from a good Linux package manager like Smart/Yum  (with the exception
> of ZFS features). 

I trust you on that one, and Conary, which was pointed out by Martin seems to 
be nice as well.

> From a developer point of view  these qualities could have been got by far 
> less effort and far less code/complexity.

It's not up to me to make a conclusion on that, as people have been payed to do
research on whether an existing or a new package manager is the way to go. See 
for example this mail in particular: 


"There are a few features that seem particularly difficult to accommodate in 
the existing systems: sparse root zones is the foremost (and diskless in 
general), binaries of multiple bitness ends up being another...
If you start dropping those, then other packaging systems do indeed become 
suitable. "
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