Darryl Gove wrote:
> Alan, are you still having issues with the MMX/SSE intrinsics. If so,
> perhaps you can provide me with more details so that we can better
> evaluate the problem.

The upstream project adopted changes while porting to Microsoft Visual C
that made it easier to adapt to Studio 12 as well, so that is now working
for us, though it may still be a problem for other code written for gcc.
The one issue remaining there that I've been meaning to ask about is I
couldn't find an appropriate -xarch flag to enable the MMX intrinsics without
also enabling SSE - right now it's using -xarch=sse since -xarch=mmx isn't
recognized.  (The gcc code uses -mmmx for those.)   The changes I made to
port it to Studio 12 can be seen at:

The current issues blocking us from building all of X with Studio 12 are:
6834501 Sun Studio does not allow assigning addresses to members of packed
6836218: studio 12 does not allow nested anonymous structs and unions

and an issue we hit last week and are still trying to track down that causes
the Intel graphics driver to build fine with Sun Studio, but not actually
work properly on some chipsets unless built with gcc.

I haven't tried Studio Express for any of these issues, since we're required
to use the supported Studio 12 release for building our supported Solaris
Nevada/OpenSolaris packages.

While not a stopper, since we can easily fix every time we hit it, it would
be amazingly nice if Sun Studio learned how to ignore \r at the end of lines,
so that those of us working on cross-platform open source projects don't face
thousands of "Invalid whitespace errors" every time someone checks in code with
Windows linebreaks.  gcc seems to manage to ignore them properly.   (Including
not treating it as the escaped character when a line ends in \\r\n and breaking
line continuations.)

        -Alan Coopersmith-           alan.coopersm...@sun.com
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

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