> I booted from the LiveCD, modified the kernel Grub
> entry to -s and succeeded to get to single user mode.
> I tried to remove the SUNWlsimega driver with "pkgrm
> SUNWlsimega" but this failed.
> So I modified the /etc/driver_aliases so that lsimega
> entries are as follows to match the entries that are
> in my tweaked SUNWlsimega driver.

Direct edit of the /etc/driver_aliases file is bad
because the kernel doesn't notice when you change
the file.

If you know the missing driver binding entry, try:

    update_drv -a -i '"pci1028,13.1028.16c"' lsimega

(Replace "pci1028,13.1028.16c" with the exact
binding that is missing)

Using update_drv the running kernel should notice
the new binding.
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