khaldoun writes:
> hello alfred,
> thank you very much for your kind support.
> i had realized that to work on open office installed on regular laptop, is 
> not the same as working on a macintosh apple laptop.
> i am very beginner in that, for example, you've told me 
> "3. Install with pkg Command line:% pfexec pkg install openoffice"
> but i don't know where i can write this command to execute it.
> i tried to do it from the terminal but it is saying "bad command".

What exactly did you type into that terminal window?  Did you type the
"%" at the beginning?  If so, don't.  That's just a prompt.  The
command you enter should begin with pfexec.

> i am sorry that i am giving you a lot of pressure, but i need your help 
> badly, since i have notice that even i don't have the concept how to deal 
> with the opensolaris OS

It might be worthwhile to look for a book or two about OpenSolaris
and/or Solaris and/or UNIX in general.  There happens to be a pretty
good book specifically about OpenSolaris available now.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <>
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