On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 7:27 PM, James Carlson<james.d.carl...@sun.com> wrote:
> Anon Y Mous writes:
>> When are we going to get an "OpenSolaris" server core that is command line 
>> and text only with no X-windows dependencies?
> The answer depends on when people decide to stop complaining about
> missing features in the work-in-progress that is the OpenSolaris
> distribution, and instead start working on providing those features.
> Seriously: I'm not on the Indiana team, but, as someone who has talked
> with those folks, I know that they're keenly aware of these
> shortcomings.  The work is not done.  It's not finished yet.  You're
> looking at a work in progress.  There are known feature gaps -- among
> them are many enterprise-class features.  They're not being
> "forgotten."  The issues won't be ignored.  The people doing this work
> just aren't that foolish.
> It takes time to do work.  It takes more time if you have to run
> through a gauntlet of people throwing stones.
> I'm almost hoping we can get back to arguing about GPLv3 or Sun's
> buy-out.

   Could not agree more! I have been in the Indiana team during it's initial
   days and I still fondly remember those times. These are among the
   best human beings I have encountered in my work life and I know how
   hard and how long they work to get things out of the door!

   This is Open-Source so contribution is much more welcome than complains.
   At least one can go and submit constructive feedback via submitting BUG/RFE

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