I sincerely hope the ROCK isn't dead. If Sun could have pulled this off, it 
would have totally revolutionized computing as we know it! The hilarious 
article I linked to below is the best explanation I have ever read of how the 
ROCK would have work and how it would have changed everything:


(be warned, the article contains some adult language in it). One of the best 
quotes from the article is:

"Transactional memory will not only solve all your horrid threading problems, 
it will also impregnate your daughter if you don’t keep an eye on it. Don’t say 
I didn’t warn you, gramps!.... Sun Microsystems is about to #...@$%^&!...@# the 
database world, and nobody sees it coming. Imagine a SQL database that can 
support the absurd level of concurrency promised by HyTM. Conveniently, Sun 
owns one of the most popular relational databases in the world: MySQL. If MySQL 
on a single Rock based system can outperform Oracle or Microsoft spread across 
many systems, then DBAs worldwide would gladly tell Steve Ballmer where to 
shove it."

Would've been funny if Sun's marketing team had picked up on that theme for 
their marketing campaign, eh?
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