Its [url=]official page[/url] actually 
has a link for Solaris, which points to the page for 
[url=]the source code[/url], 

The official VLC Web site claims that Solaris is supported: "For the other 
operating systems supported, there are no precompiled binaries. You will have 
to get the source code for VLC and its required libraries and build them 
yourself". There is a page with instructions for 
[url=]compiling for Unix[/url]. Compiling 
VLC requires first having the necessary libraries. "If your distro is really 
bad and doesn't provide the libs, no -dev or -devel packages", the instructions 
suggest "using the contribs system in VLC's sources". As far as I'm aware, this 
option is relatively new.

Anyway, on my 2009.06 OpenSolaris system, with /usr/gnu/bin at the head of my 
PATH, when I follow the instructions and try make, I run into the following 

i386-pc-solaris2.11-gcc -std=gnu99 
-DNDEBUG -isystem 
/export/home/me/Download/software/src/vlc-1.0.0/extras/contrib/include -o 
.libs/msgcmp msgcmp-msgcmp.o  
 -lcroco-0.6 -lglib-2.0 -ltermcap 
-lc  -R/export/home/me/Download/software/src/vlc-1.0.0/extras/contrib/lib
Undefined                       first referenced
 symbol                             in file
ld: fatal: symbol referencing errors. No output written to .libs/msgcmp
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[6]: *** [msgcmp] Error 1

I have SUNWgnu-gettext installed. Googling "acl_trivial undefined" produced the 
following thread on the Videolan forums from last January: 
not working OpenSolaris 2008.11[/url]. The Videolan people are helpful in that 
thread, but the upshot is that the GNU tools and libs on OpenSolaris are simply 
too broken for compiling VLC not to be a major undertaking.

It's very sad that this situation has not changed with osol 2009.06. If the 
developers of osol are not going to provide binaries of such a basic program as 
VLC because of intellectual property issues, the least they could do is bring 
the GNU tools and libs into sufficient working order for VLC to compile.
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