Thanks very much for your patient reply. Yes, of course, it makes sense that 
since osol is not natively a GNU system, its GNU libraries will be arranged 
differently than on GNU/Linux systems, which means that scripts to build 
applications will often need to be written differently for it.

My main "Angst" at this point is directed at people who managed to compile VLC 
for Solaris who didn't make what they did to do so publicly available, as one 
expects from people involved in open source projects. They should also have 
submitted patches to the VLC developers, which they did not do, as far as I can 

The only thing I think that one can hold against the VLC people is that they 
advertise VLC 1.0.0 as "supporting" OpenSolaris. It's perfectly understandable 
that VLC developers want to concentrate their energies on the most common 
platforms, so that it's not their responsibility to get the VLC code to compile 
under OpenSolaris. But if it doesn't, they shouldn't claim that it supports 
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