If you are going to use the SXCE, but want it to behave like OpenSolaris here 
is what you do.  As Root use the GUI to add another user.  Then open the 
terminal.  Type:

rolemod -K type=role root

Then log out.  Log in as your new user.  Open a terminal.  type:

usrmod -R root USERNAME

In this example you will not actually write USERNAME but instead the name of 
your user account, so if you log in as Bob, then write Bob instead.  

As for the Bash or the PATH I can not help you.  There are some tutorials 
around here that can show you how to change the Path and how to change the 
Shell but I am not an expert in those areas.  

>From my experience, SXCE is not ready to be the main OS on you desktop unless 
>you are very skilled.  If you like SXCE, I suggest you get OpenSolaris, Update 
>it using the IPS and then use the SXCE DVD to manually install any packages 
>that you want using the pkgadd command in the terminal.  For instance if you 
>want Real Player but are having a hard time getting it installed with the 
>version provided by the Real Player website then you can just put your SXCE 
>DVD into the disk tray and then cd to folder where all the packages are listed 
>and then type:

pfexec pkgadd -d `pwd` SUNWrealplayer

and you will have Real Player installed.  No sweat.
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