It would be really nice of we could have these figures for OpenSolaris
released to the community...can someone inside push to get these figures

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 8:19 PM, <> wrote:

> >Shawn Walker wrote:
> >> The popularity of the OpenSolaris 200x releases vs. that of the
> >> Solaris Express releases in terms of usage speaks for itself IMO.
> >>
> >Do you have the numbers?
> >
> I certainly would want to know those, also because of the number of
> the SPARC vs the x86 downloads now that we have SPARC OpenSolaris
> downloads.
> SXCE can only be downloaded through, correct,
> whereas OpenSolaris can be downloaded from different locations?
> If the information isn't public, please send them to me personally,'
> though I'm also trying to get the information locally.
> Casper
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