Just so that people are aware starting in s10 update 8, or applying a few patches to existing system, a new feature called turbo packaging is being introduced, which will improve any long running packaging operations, ie install, upgrade, zone creation etc, not so much for patching.
6820054 Turbocharged SVr4 package commands [PSARC 2009/173]


Mike Gerdts wrote:
On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 3:27 PM, <johan...@sun.com> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 12:21:18PM +0100, Peter Tribble wrote:
It's not just search that's slow - most pkg operations feel slow.
How about providing some data instead of wild accusations?

I can install entire, SUNWcs & SUNWcsd, and babel_install all in under 7
minutes on a 100mbit network.  Are you using modern hardware?

Silly example, but is representative of something that needs to be
done from time to time.

Solaris 10:

$ uname -srvi
SunOS 5.10 Generic_141414-02 SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise-T5120

$ ptime grep -w ls /var/sadm/install/contents
real        2.771
user        2.653
sys         0.115


$ uname -srvi
SunOS 5.11 snv_111b SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise-T5120

$ ptime pkg search -l ls
real       34.130866085
user       30.690454076
sys         0.774897050

My experience with hardware that I can order from Sun today says that
the new software takes 12x longer for equivalent tasks.  There is a
very high startup cost with pkg that does not exist with pkgadd.  With
pkgadd I don't think too far ahead to be sure to group as many
operations into one invocation as possible.  When I use pkg, I most
certainly try to lump as many operations as possible into each
invocation to avoid this startup penalty.

In balance, I believe that with a local repo, installation of large
images will be faster with pkg than with pkgadd.  Hopefully it is
competitive with installation via flash archives.  Even when upgrading
across the internet, pkg image-update is way faster than luupgrade.

When I look at the publicly disclosed/speculated road map for CMT
systems, I don't see things improving for the simple operations
without fixing the software.  I eagerly await the SAT solver and any
other improvements that are in the works.

Right now I'm not complaining - I know the software is young and the
primary development platform is x86 where the regression isn't so
apparent.  Once I start hearing that there aren't big performance
improvements coming, I will start opening support calls if the
performance is still worse than before.

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