Gary Bainbridge wrote:
AI is replacing jumpstart which is an enterprise necessity.
SMF is an enterprise feature and reminds me of AIX's srcmstr.
zfs is certainly an enterprise feature.
A text installer is not a gui that needs gnome or anything like that.
I run OpenBSD as a server and don't have X11 installed.
I run AIX as a server (granted it isn't a desktop by any stretch of the 
imagination) and don't have X11 installed.
I run Solaris as a server and don't have X11 installed.

A gui isn't needed for an Enterprise OS.  I run HACMP on a text screen.  I run 
Sun Cluster from the command line.  Granted, I have to use a gui for Red Hat 
Cluster Suite, but that is a failure of the product, I shouldn't have to (look 
about at HACMP and Sun Cluster).
A GUI is needed for those of us who make a living developing applications for and Enterprise OS.


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