Take a look on http://www.nexenta.org project. Might be easier for you.

paul richie wrote:
my biggest problem right now is that i can not install anything because i can't use sudo and i cant figer out how to add myself to the sudoers folder or list everything i reed on-line just said to use the su command but never explains how. i have tried about everything i can think of and get one of 2 results the firs tell me i cant find the su and the second just shows me some values with brackets which prompted me to try using the su in several other ways with no luck so if any one would take the time to explain to me in detail what i should do or direct me to the proper reading material keeping in mind that i have no clue what the hell to do it would be greatly appreciated.
PS. i switched from ubunta 9.4 because the os did not sport some of the things 
i needed to do.
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