I understand that even though Sun posted binary drivers for OpenSolaris, Xorg 
will not work with them and Xsun is not bundled with it.

To reply to those who suggested OpenBSD, that is out of topic, I have Sun 
because I want to run Solaris, if I wanted openBSD I would have had a cheap 
intel box. And BTW can OpenBSD run zfs or zones, or even virtualization?

Certainly I want to keep using my Sun Blade. Will Sun next commercial release 
of Solaris at least support the legacy 3D Labs cards?

And by the way, due to this mess with OpenSolaris, I do not think I will ever 
buy Sun hardware in the future. But most importantly, being a professional, I 
will refrein from advising anyone to buy Sun hardware. I used to recommend it 
as an investment ... what a shame! No wonder why Sun is loosing money. 
Professionals like me have lost confidence in the company.
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