Octave Orgeron wrote:
> Here's a fun test that shouldn't cost millions for Sun to do today. How about 
> get Nvidia or ATI to build a PCI and PCI-E 3D video card that will work with 
> OpenSolaris Xorg on SPARC. Make it work on UltraSPARC III/IIIi workstations 
> and sell it for under $300. I'm willing to bet that this would sell like 
> crazy and make tons of people happy. 

Sun's been selling ATI cards for SPARC workstations for a while,
the XVR-100 (PCI) and XVR-300 (PCI-E) - both of which are supported
under OpenSolaris Xorg - sales are not exciting in the least.
Developing new models would cost millions, especially if it meant
having nvidia port their driver to a new platform and develop
OBP-compatible firmware for their hardware.

> It would also let Sun see that there is still a large SPARC workstation 
> market out there that they have been ignoring.

A new SPARC workstation would require a significant design effort, since
the CPU's used in the previous models are simply no longer made, and
workstation based on either the Niagara or SPARC64 chips would be a
significantly different beast.   That one hasn't been produced doesn't
mean Sun's ignoring it's users, just that management hasn't believed that
it could earn enough profit on such a project in the current economic
climate to justify pulling engineers off other projects.

> This isn't rocket science, look on Ebay and check out the number of SPARC 
> workstations being sold every week! And why? Because businesses and 
> professionals need a SPARC workstation.

But every workstation offered for sale on Ebay is a sign that someone else
no longer needs one.

        -Alan Coopersmith-           alan.coopersm...@sun.com
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

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