lpadmin -p <printer> -o nobanner

On Wed, 2009-12-02 at 23:03 -0800, Nibal wrote:
> Hi,
> this my previous post :
> http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/opensolaris-code/2009-November/007597.html
> but still no any solution 
> i had post this yesterday but i think not posted prob
> Dear All,
> I’m trying to disable cover page while I’m pronging from Solaris to ubuntu 
> Ubntu :
> # lpadmin -p (printer shared name) -o job-sheets-default=none
> # lpadmin -p (printer shared name) -o job-sheets-default=never
> Who print form Solaris will get cover page 
> Solaris :
> # lpadmin -p (printer shared name on ubuntu ) -s (ubuntu server ip)
> To print 
> $ lp –d (printer shared name) (file name)
> Still print banner page 
> But if I’m using following command on Solaris:
> $ lp –d (printer shared name) (file name) – o nobanner 
> Its print without cover page , but all users using WEB application which 
> installed on soalris , so they cannot use command line to use –o nobanner 
> option 
> My question is how can I disable cover page on CUPS ubuntu ,?or set it –o 
> nobanner option at solaris as default  ?
> Is this possible to disable it on UBUNTU by configuring foomatic 
> Thanks ,
> Nibal

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