On 19/03/2010, at 12:20 AM, homerun wrote:

> Just asking , is there interest to port MythTV to OpenSolaris.
> http://www.mythtv.org/

There is definite interest.

Ken Mays reported building it from source on desktop-discuss quite some time 
ago and when I queried him about it late last year he responded saying, 

You need a few dependencies which are now a part of OSOL.

Use this web page as a guide to what you need:

I would be interested in having a regular binary build in that I can pull from 
a repository mostly because I’ve still not found time to build from source.

I think the main benefit of MythTV on OSOL at the moment is either as a 
frontend or as a slave backend or backend with network tuners due to capture 
card support in the operating system.

Me…. I would be using it as a primary dedicated backend with a pair of 
HDHomeRun DVB-T tuners :)


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