> Dennis Clarke <dcla...@blastwave.org> wrote:
>> > Ken Gunderson <kgund...@teamcool.net>
>> I will make an effort to have this sort of language and tone blocked and
>> your email removed permanently.
>> This is unacceptable.
>> As someone that recently bought and installed Microsoft Windows Ultimate
>> 7
>> 64-bit edition I would rather look at the cost of a vastly superior
>> production grade Solaris 10 or Solaris Next as *trivial*.
> Dennis, we need to be very careful here not to start censorship.
> Censorship (as recentliy started by e.g. Debian) is an indication
> for missing openness and openness is important for Opensolaris.
> I have a real problem with the general tone of his mail and we
> should only point to the tone of his mail.

Tone and choice of words. There seems to be a flurry of bitterness and
issues to be addressed.  But there must be a better way than filling a
maillist with endless rants. Certainly when they move towards blatant
misdirected insults.

> We in general did have a nice tone on OpenSolaris mailing lists and I
> don't like to see a harsh tone like the one introduced
> by Ken Gunderson.
> Jörg

As usual, we agree.

Dennis Clarke
dcla...@opensolaris.ca  <- Email related to the open source Solaris
dcla...@blastwave.org   <- Email related to open source for Solaris

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