> These forums aren't censored for content, just for fowl language, we try to 
> keep it civil here.  I agree with Dennis Clarks warning.

Yes, they are censored for foul language. This is how the post that is 
provoking the outrage appears if you view it in the Forums:

> let's not dis Open/Solaris technical merits nor the developers invest
> their labors into making them even better just because some ******* now
> owns Sun.

The fowl-language censorship routines are running correctly. Therefore, those 
of you who are hypersensitive to vernacular English should unsubscribe from 
getting forum posts emailed to you. That will solve your problem.

Either (1) have an automatic filter which censors posts for foul language or 
(2) have the expectation that people making posts will take care to be polite.

Given that we presently have (1), it is perverse to hold to (2). Why should 
people go out of their way to be civil, when they know they will get censored?
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